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Imperatyv GFRP Natural Grid Mesh (1.2m w x 50m l)

Imperatyv GFRP Natural Grid Mesh (1.2m w x 50m l)

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Product Description

HARDmesh GFRP mesh is fiberglass mesh based onglass fiber and epoxy resin. While it is production an additional layer of sand is applied to improve adhesion to concrete. It replaces steel wire mesh and is available in coils, non-corrosive, 5 times lighter than steel, 2 times stronger than steel, conducts no heat. Available sizes: 50x50 and 100x100 with diameter ranging 2-4 mm. GFRP mesh with a smaller diameter can substitute steel wire mesh!
HARDmesh GFRP mesh showed and proved high efficiency while plaster reinforcing in industrial and warehouse premises. Due to low thermal conductivity, which is about 100 times lower than steel, costs for building heating are significantly reduced!

Available in the following:
- Size: 3mm in diameter, 50x50mm Grid Mesh
- Size: 3mm in diameter, 100x100mm Grid Mesh
- Size: 4mm in diameter, 50x50mm Grid Mesh
- Size: 4mm in diameter, 100x100mm Grid Mesh

- width: 1.2m
- length: 50m total

Price per m2:
-  50x50mm Grid Mesh: $15.83 per m2
- 100x100mm Grid Mesh: $12.50 per m2